Ministry Blog

Obedience Through Suffering

Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him – Hebrews 5:8-9

The Lord Jesus Christ didn’t become the Author of our Eternal Salvation to us who obey Him just because He was God or the Son of God. First He had to learn Obedience by the Things He suffered, and only after being made perfect through Suffering did He become the Author of our Eternal Salvation. It’s Suffering that made Him what He predestined to become. This is critical to understand. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Example, if He had to suffer first for Him to be perfected, then we can’t escape that Process. We’re His Disciples and He’s our Teacher.

Like the Lord Jesus Christ, we learn Obedience through Suffering. Our flesh doesn’t want to obey God. When we face Tests, Trials, Tribulations, Temptations and Persecutions, God is disciplining our flesh. We learn to obey Him because each time we disobey Him, we break the hedge and the serpent bites us. Satan breaks in and he steals, kills and destroys. This is how we mature and become like the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Sufferings of Christ are what subjects the flesh to Obedience. They are fasting, praying, worshiping, praising, thanksgiving, giving, forgiving, humility, walking in love and the like when our flesh is screaming ‘No!’ It’s our fallen flesh struggling to become spiritual by the Power of the Spirit. When we suffer with Him, we also reign with Him, in this world and the World to come. This is the Secret to a Life of Dominion in this world and the World to come. This is how we get promoted in the Spirit. We must humble ourselves and obey God, even in the hardest and roughest of places, and in due time, He’ll lift us up. This is how you rise in life and keep on rising and never come back down again. This is how you walk in complete Victory and never taste defeat. So learn Obedience through Suffering and walk in Dominion like the Lord Jesus Christ.


I’m a Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. He’s my Example and I’m His Imitator. Like Him, I choose to learn Obedience through Suffering so that I might become what God predestined me to be. Glory to God!


About Ps TL Immanuel

Ps TL Immanuel is committed to going into all the world, preaching the gospel of Kingdom to every creature, and making disciples of all nations by teaching them to obey all things whatsoever the Lord Jesus Christ commanded. Listen to his podcast through the link below:

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